Robert Konowal

Profile Updated: February 24, 2024
Residing In capon bridge, WV USA
Spouse/Partner Kim Shifflett
Children Shane Konowal, Tatiana Sliner
Which classmates from the 233 do you still keep in touch with? If we don't have contact info for them, would you help us contact them so we can add them to this website and the alumni association list?

Monteo Myers, Irv Levy

What are the most exciting things you've done since graduating Central?

Became a believer.
Got married to Lisa DeGori and had two children.
Suffered from alcoholism/ got sober in 2002.
Met Kim and moved to West Virginia.

If you were graduating Central this year, would you still go into the same profession, or would you choose something that maybe did not exist 50 years ago? If a different profession, what would it be?

Computer engineering.

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Robert Konowal changed his "Then" picture.
Feb 24, 2024 at 12:17 PM