Missing Classmates

Classmates listed below have NOT joined this website. We may, or may not, have an email address and/or a phone number for them, but since they have not joined our website we are going to consider them as "Missing Classmates".

Mark Alleva
David Amato
Paul Ambrutis
Donald Armstead
Daniel Bachman
Martin Barbella
Frederick Barut
Matthew Berg
Jeffrey Berman
Henry Biedrzycki
Taras Bilynsky
Charles Bluestein
Lee Blum
Namdar Bolour
Douglas Bond
Robert Bost
Robert Boyer
Joseph Branch
Keith Brown
Louis Brown
Joseph Brunetti
Irwin Bryan
Askold Buk
William Bulman
James Butler
Ronald Butler
Melvin Butler, Jr.
Vito Caccavo
Thomas Calvi
Brandon Campbell
Richard Cangelosi
Angel Carrion
Frederick Carter
Mark Casertano
David Castellano
Michael Cemeno, Jr.
Bohdan Chac
Charles Chaplin
Lawrence Chock
Turner Clark
Vincent Clavon, Jr.
William Clemente
John Cobb
Alan Cohen
Eric Cohen
Maurice Conway, Jr.
Charles Cooper
Robert Cooperman
Myron Cowans
Richard D'Adamo
Daniel D'Alessandro
Vincent D'Anella
Samuel D'Angelo
Michael Daniels
Joel Davis
David Deery
Michael D'Imperio
Gabriele DiPaolantonio
Jordan Doby
Charles Dougherty
Randall Drain
Joseph Drumgoole
Clifford Dupree
Edward Faris
Stephan Fedula
Joe Flacco, III
Joel Fong
Kenneth Freeman
Richard Freifelder
Ed Friedland
Elionai Galarza
Joseph Galie
Anthony Gallo
Zenon Gardyasz
Ellis Geek
Daniel Giannone
Robert Gittis
Hal Glestein
Neil Glover
Rudolph Goffney, Jr.
Scott Gold
Michael Goldbloom
Howard Gorell
Sheldon Gorell
Dwayne Granger
Jonathan Greenberg
Brian Gross
Robert Gruber, Jr.
David Gubernick
James Guokas
Keith Hampton
Oscar Hankinson, Jr.
William Hart
George Hasara
Donald Hilsee
Nathan Hoskin
Bruce Jacobson
John Jameson
Christopher Jeblonski
Stephen Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Mark Jones
Michael Jones
Harold Jones, II
Andreas Karras
Myron Kasian
George Keenan
James Kerns
Norman King
Jeffrey Kolsky
Zenon Kos
David Kramer
Robert Krivinskas
Steven Laderman
Mark Langendorf
William Latchum
Robert Laveson
William Law
Robert Leslie
Howard Levin
Dale Lindemuth
David Linker
Terence List
Peter Lloyd
Thomas Lobosco
Thomas Lowery
Paul Lukianovich
Eugene Mackiw
Stephen Martynenko
Ronald Maruscik
Alexander Matus
Richard McCoy
Kevin McGrath
Brian Meadows
James Metzinger
James Millhouse
Edward Monastra
James Morse
Keith Moses
Paul Muller
Edward Murray
Monteo Myers
Claus Neuber
Quentin Newsome
Stephen Novak
Glenn Nunnamaker
Igor Nurabas
Dennis O'Gara
Stuart Oser
Stephen Panichelle
Noel Parker
Marc Paul
Jim Petka
Mark Petri
Gregory Picano
Vincent Pietromartire
Frank Playo
Darryl Poindexter
Harold Poitier, Jr.
Larry Powell
Harvey Price
Chris Providence
Michael Recupero
Richard Remenick
Frank Riggitano
John Rodgers
Michael Rogalski
Leslie Rosenthal
Robert Rosenthal
David Rudnick
Gary Sampson
Eric Scherzberg
Stephen Schmitt
David Schwartz
Frederick Schwartz
Rudolph Scoggins
Steven Semanoff
Wayne Sharp
Howard Shinder
Paul Sidelsky
Tom Siegl
Michael Smart
Charles Smith
Alvin Staffin
Thomas Starosta
James Stellato
Steven Tadeo
Frederico Talley, Jr.
Chuck Taylor
Jeffrey Tessler (Do Not Contact)
John Theisen
Darryl Thomas
William Thomas
Steven Thompson
John Tilley
Michael Trosino
Richard Turner
John Volpe
Wallace Walker, II
Wayne Wallace
William Weisberg
John Wells
Joseph Whitaker
Lawrence Wiacek
Daniel Wigman
James Williams
Terry Williams
Michael Williamson
Keith Wyatt
Kyung Don Yu
Man Shan "Alex" Yuen

Guest Members

Joe Pailin (234)